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Beautician, Makeup artist:

Eyelash extensions
What girl doesn't dream of long, fluffy and incredibly beautiful eyelashes? Not to think about your makeup in your trips and travels? To hit eye-popping look at festivals and celebrations? But by nature these lashes are given not every. Anyway, now to make this dream a reality is simple - it eyelash extensions at Spa Salon Spa Shans. After this procedure, You will have luxurious lashes that don't look artificial, due to the fact that each synthetic eyelash is glued to your natural. In addition, now You do not need every day to apply and to remove makeup, to think that he can be spoiled from rain or swimming! Accrued on such technology lashes hold for a long time, so this procedure will not have to do often. The increase is made only with high quality materials that ensures superior quality and absolute safety for You and Your health. Give yourself the incredible beauty of sight! And remember - men always look in the eyes of the woman... And what they see depends on You.

We live in an amazing time. Space technology and the secret development are now being used in beauty salons! Everything that once seemed hopeless, now you can not only fix, but improve. The main advantage of hardware techniques are better results when conducting medical and Wellness treatments than with manual methods. They contribute to a stronger and deeper effect on the tissue. Thus, the eect of hardware-based methods achieved much earlier and it is more pronounced. Everyone knows that the more harsh criticism of our appearance, than we do not. We have all the time something doesn't suit you... Hardware cosmetology achieves unprecedented results in Your quest for perfection and allows you to present Your beauty in a new, immaculate.

Ultrasonic cleaning
Ultrasonic cleaning is a procedure of cleaning the face using ultrasound, which allows to deeply cleanse the skin of impurities, dead skin cells, sebum, blockages of the sebaceous glands, comedones. This type of cleaning is painless and, unlike mechanical way, does not leave the skin visible signs of redness and swelling. Ultrasonic cleaning is used both on the face and in the shoulder area and back. Modern cosmetology, which is in our days, on an unprecedented rise of high technology, in a timely manner and appreciated the benefits of ultrasound. After providing restorative and rejuvenating effect, it has a number of advantages over other methods of care: does not expose your skin to squeezing and stretching, does not violate its upper layer. Microvibration, carried ultrasound, performs the function of micro-massage at the cellular level. Improves the blood, increases immunity, aktiviziruyutsya metabolism, increases regeneration (renewal) tissues. Ultrasound activates the redox processes, promotes the formation of collagen and elastin. In contrast to other methods of ultrasound peeling removes only the old cells, completely without damaging the new, young. During the procedure of ultrasonic peeling cleanses skin, improves the tone skin's natural moisture. As a result of very careful and gentle influence of ultrasound updated upper layer of the epidermis, and the skin becomes wonderfully soft, fresh and updated. The face looks younger, wrinkles are smoothed out surface. In addition, ultrasonic peeling favors the penetration into the skin of various cosmetics.

Peeling, or exfoliation — removal, exfoliate the upper Horny layer of the skin. The goal of this cosmetic technique to improve the appearance of skin by removing dead cells from the skin surface. Under dead skin cells you can see a young and healthy skin. Peeling appeared in Ancient Egypt as a method of cleansing the skin. In the Middle ages as a chemical peeling has been used the wine and the tartaric acid acted as an active agent. In Asia, the peels have also begun to use during the period of the Middle ages and the local practice of this procedure here is over one hundred years. Any kind of exfoliation thins the stratum corneum, removes small blackheads, facilitates access to deeper layers of the skin, opens the pores and softens the skin, which often makes peeling the preparatory process for the subsequent procedures. Exfoliation also increases cell division in the basal layer, and the skin becomes smooth and bright, acquiring a more youthful and healthy appearance.

Acne treatment
Inflammation of sebaceous gland or hair follicle on the skin called acne. This is a disease in which the glands and pores on the face and neck are clogged, and starts the inflammatory process. Differently it is a skin inflammation called acne, or acne. Causes of acne: Doctors found, what prerequisites are there for this disease. It turned out that the age of the patients and the food they consume, do not affect the occurrence of acne. The reasons are quite different: hormonal balance and its features; the activity of the sebaceous glands; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; diseases transmitted by inheritance; immunosuppression; stressful situation; allergic reactions; dysbacteriosis. The degree of severity and methods of treatment of acne prescribed only by a doctor-cosmetologist.

Anti-aging program
Anti-aging medicine and cosmetology appeared in the late XX century. Now such programs are available to everyone. Anti-aging cosmetics is using it active ingredients. This vitamin and antioxidant complexes, and hyaluronic fruit acids, collagen, retinol, peptides and various substances of marine origin. Action anti-aging cosmetic products aimed at stimulating metabolic processes in tissues, water retention in the skin, the production of natural proteins and acids that can support healthy and youthful looking skin.